Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2024

Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts.

Photo credit: © Lucy Sutton-Long

We are so lucky to have the Royal Academy of Arts nearby and it’s almost time for the launch of its annual Summer Exhibition.


Opening on 18 June, the prestigious open submission exhibition will feature the works of both emerging and established artists. It’s a fantastic opportunity to see new works by some well-known names, as well as introducing you to artists you may not have heard of.

Typically, two-thirds of the entrants are non-Academicians and 5,000+ works are sold.

The show will run until 18 August.

This year’s curator and theme

Ann Christopher RA will be curating this year’s show. Best known for her large-scale abstract sculptures, Christopher has explored the theme of space. She explains: “As co-ordinator for the 2024 Summer Exhibition, I plan to explore the idea of making space, whether giving space or taking space. This can be interpreted in various ways: to make space can mean openness – making space for something or someone, also making space between things.

It is my belief that the spaces in between are as important as whatever those spaces separate. Spaces can not only dramatically enhance the actual works on the wall but also the pleasure of viewing them. In terms of sculpture – well that gives off its own demand for space around it.

On behalf of the Summer Exhibition Committee I would like to say send in your best work whatever its medium or category and we will endeavour to give it space.”


The Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition is the oldest in the world; its first show was in 1769 (a year after the Academy was established with Joshua Reynolds as President) and has been held each year since.

Getting there

The Royal Academy is just an eleven-minute stroll from 9 Hertford Street.

Also in the area

Fortnum & Mason
The Ritz
Burlington Arcade

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